Calling All Women Of God!

Hello and thank you for taking a moment to look into something that is so important to me--this W.I.P.E. Ministry.

My name is Sister Electa Ricketts: an evangelist and compassionate woman of God who sees a need and hopes to be able to fill it with the help of others. I am a member of Greater Pentecostal Temple in Kansas City, Kansas, where my pastor is none other than the preaching machine himself--Bishop Dr. Marvin E. Donaldson. For years, I have busied my hands by helping others whenever I could and have worked with area youth through local community efforts. Now, I believe God has called me to work with women in need.

I want to introduce you to this ministry that the Lord has given me to share with all women of God. My prayer is that the women's auxiliaries and departments of our local churches will join in. This ministry is called W.I.P.E. (Women In Position Everywhere) and it simply can not succeed without the participation and support of women who see the vision, understand the need and are willing to help. The W.I.PE. Ministry desires to help women who are struggling with drugs, alcohol, and homelessness. It is time for us all to get out of our comfort zones and go out into the streets and share the love of Christ with the women society has turned its back on, and prayerfully lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus and to find a church home.

The purpose of this ministry is for women of God to come together as one and draw more women to Christ. My mission is to have the churches go out every 1st and 3rd Saturday to feed the homeless. But I need you... foot soldiers for Christ. I am asking that you bring pamphlets for your church to pass out to the women we meet.

With every fiber of my being I believe that God will bless this ministry, the women who participate and those women we will meet. I hope you will consider joining me in this effort to do real kingdom work and assist me in realizing the vision God has given me for The W.I.P.E. Ministry.

Contact: Sister Electa Ricketts

"For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." 1 Peter 2:21

Monday, July 7, 2008

Donating to WIPE

Would you like to know what it feels like to give give back to God and to the community in a way that makes an important impact. You can by joining in giving to this personal and important ministry by donating your time and talent and whatever else the Lord puts on your heart to give. I am asking for donations to help bless this ministry so that we can bless others who are not as fortunate as we might be. All donations will go towards helping the needy, including feeding homeless women.

Women In Position Everywhere is about women helping women. If you are in a position to be a blessing, my prayer is that the Lord impress upon you to act now. If you are in a position to become a blessing if someone would just take a little time to help you in your time of need, WIPE hopes to fulfill your prayers. If you're a woman in a position to evangelize to the hurting hearts of women, join us and help us help women come to the knowledge of the salvation and love of Jesus Christ.

Call me today!
Sister Electa Ricketts

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